If you want free food from restaurants, bring your own bottle of dead insects. Towards the end of your meal, place a one tiny insect in the food when the waiter isn't looking. Then call the waiter over and make a complaint about the insect in the food. 9/10 times you will get the dish free. This is likely to work at large restaurant chains like McDonalds.
Whilst working at McDonalds a customer found an egg shell in their McMuffin and they ate around it and came back to complain about the egg shell and they received another free mcmuffin as a replacement. Thats a 2 for 1 deal without a voucher
get free food at restaurants
Bring friends in free to a concert
Due the price of concert tickets skyrocketing these days to being about $140 for gold standing room tickets, I worked out (however have NEVER tried this) that you can buy two tickets to a standing room (not allocated seating) concert and bring in alot more friends into the concert for free. This works by entering the concert hall with you and a friend. You leave your friend in the hall and you take the two tickets out as if you are going to the toilet, however you bring another friend in with the other ticket. Keep going in and out of the concert hall with the two tickets until all your friends are in the concert. So if concert tickets are $140 each, and you manage to bring in 10 friends, that works out to be $24 each! bargain. NOTE: This is definitely illegal and stealing from the promotion agent and the artist performing. However if anyone concert organisers reads this, this is a loop hole you need to address. If you get busted, you'll get a free limousine with blue and red flashing lights to the nearest police station.